Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Homeland 3

Homeland 3 is an upscale housing development in the western outskirts of Korat. I live in the nearby Homeland 2. Homeland 3 is being built in a wetland that is adjacent to land used for rice farming. It touts  itself as being "surrounded by nature" with a view of the rice fields.

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The entrance is certainly grand and inviting.

Once inside there's not much nature and no rice fields in sight.

The water table is extremely high. Note the standing surface water.

The wetland once looked like this. It was used to grow coconuts, betel nuts, bananas, citrus, pandanus and a number of other useful crops. This photo is on the east side of Homeland 3 where the ground water continues to flow uninterrupted. 

The development has blocked the natural flow of ground water. This is the wetland just to the west of Homleland 3. Most of the old betel nut trees have died. Coconuts are about the only trees still living.

This used to be a small fishing pond and informal restaurant. Now it's just a decaying swamp.

This is just across from the entrance to Homeland 3. The home on the left houses my favorite little minimart. They have great prices on things like flour, sugar, raw peanuts and Scotch!

Click the Google Maps link below to see the photo location in Google Maps.

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