Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Weekend In Khao Yai National Park

Khao Yai National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the southwest corner of the Korat Plateau. Most of the park is located in Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima) province. The park itself is relatively pristine and contains some beautiful tropical rainforest. The area immediately surrounding the park has undergone rapid development in the past few years including many resorts, shopping centers, restaurants and guest houses.

We had originally planned to spend this past weekend in Bangkok, but headed to Khao Yai instead because of the heavy flooding in Bangkok and central Thailand.

Loads of photos follow.

Our first stop was the Premium Outlet center right on the main highway at the turnoff to Khao Yai. This painted cow sculpture was about the most interesting thing we saw.

Second stop was at The Great Hornbill restaurant at the PB winery. They have nice coffee and great desserts with a nice view of the vineyard.

For dinner we went to The Smoke House. We started with Bombay and Tonic, naturally.

As with many places in Khao Yai, The Smoke House is Italian-themed.

The next day we had a look around the park proper. 

Lots of Gibbons about early in the morning.

Most of the road through the park is great. There are plenty of places to get out and have a look at the jungle.

A few Sambar Deer around as well. This one at park headquarters.

We didn't see any elephants this time, but lots of elephant scat.

View from Khao Khiao (Green Mountain) lookout.

The road up here is not so good.

We wondered why people were camping in the parking lot instead of in the beautifully turfed campgrounds. Actually, these are people displaced by the floods here not to enjoy nature but to escape from her wrath.

Another Sambar Deer scavenging. 

Haew Suwat Waterfall - This was featured in the movie "The Beach".

Terano Restaurant. Beautiful place with good food, but pretty empty when we were there.

We took a tour of the PB Valley Khao Yai Winery. 

Most of the people on our tour were from a group wearing T-shirts that read, "I want to eat you." These are table grape vines.

Table grapes ready to pick.

The red wine is aged in oak casks from France.

Red wine is fermented in oak tanks.

Tasting. Good, but not great.

Our cottage at Ban Saranya Resort.

Palio - an Italian-themed shopping mall.


Fountain at Palio.

Palio is ready for Halloween. Note the witch on the roof.

Big steak at The Country House restaurant, Juldis Khao Yai Resort. They have a huge selection of Belgian, German and British beers, as well

We left Khao Yai without having had breakfast so we stopped a this little stand on the way home to get phatangko - Chinese style donuts.

Almost ready. Here being fried in a stainless steel bowl over a gas flame.

The last stop. I love Thai filling stations. They often have a 7/11 and other retail stores.

There is always a clean and free restroom.

Many have an Amazon coffee shop. The coffee is quite good and usually served in a nice garden setting.

And, there is usually a food court serving a variety of Thai dishes.

Click the "Click to see in Google Maps" link below for a map.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great pictures of a wonderful country.
    We liked it very much to see.
    The food was a special part of the trip I think hahahah
    I placed it on my weblog so every one in the whole wide world can see it
    Take a look at http://stormblast1953.blogspot.com/2011/10/thailand-niet-alles-staat-onder-water.html
