Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saipan - Running the Hash

Whenever I visit Saipan I run The Hash. The Hash House Harriers is a drinking club with a running problem. I was a founding member of The Saipan Hash back in December of 1984. I also helped found the Korat Hash three or four years ago.
The Saipan Hash meets at the Bank of Guam in beautiful downtown Garapan every Saturday afternoon. These are the Hash Elders present when I was there: Haj Kramden, Renee Richards, Mutt, Mike Fink, Ciega and Dog Leg.

That Saturday's Hash started at the Marpi Sports Complex and finished here at Wing Beach.

It's not a race, but I'm always happy to come in near the head of the pack. That's bonfire material in the center of the photo.

A few beers and some snacks on the beach before religion.

Lovely sunset that night including one of the best green flashes I've ever seen.

The Tyrant readies the first down-down of the evening. Note the beer board and Hash accouterments. 

Religion has begun. A time for praise, punishment, jokes and lots of down-downs from the Sacred Vessel.

Early in the year most bonfires include a discarded Christmas tree.

That's all folks.

For the location of Wing Beach on Saipan click the link below.

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