Friday, March 9, 2012

Breeze: Excitement in Homeland 2

A few months ago a sign went up at the entrance to our neighborhood announcing that a commercial for Breeze detergent would be filmed locally. The big day arrived today.

I believe this is just members of the public waiting for their chance at 15 minutes of fame, or maybe free laundry detergent.



Cameraman perched above Brahma Shrine.

Camera on rails. Just like Hollywood.

Wow, two cameras.

I couldn't believe the huge crew they had to film a simple commercial. There were somewhere between fifty and a hundred.

Portable air conditioned dressing rooms.

Note how the Breeze name in Thai (บรีส) is styled to look like the Roman letters "USA". Wonder why?

They brought their own generators.

And portable toilet truck. (The truck is actually owned by the local government.)

How nice.

The Breeze Bus.

Extras chasing the Breeze Bus in front of our house.

Truly an interesting day!

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