Sunday, May 27, 2012

Burma 2012 - Back to Yangon

After three full days in Bagan we flew back to Yangon for a couple of days of relaxation. We decided to try a couple of the high end hotels. First stop was The Governor's Residence hotel.

Our taxi from the airport. Most of the street taxis in Yangon are ancient rattletraps that were imported from China or Japan after their useful life had ended. We never had one with a functioning air conditioner.

The Governor's Residence has a nice pool.

Lovely interiors overlooking a fine garden.

The rooms are spacious and comfortable.

We took a walk in the evening and came across this beautiful, but unidentified monastery.

During breakfast this young woman played a harp-like instrument.

Our room was up there somewhere.

Always studying.

After a night at The Governor's Residence we moved to the grand old lady of Yangon hotels, The Strand. I had dreamed of staying here one day ever since I saw The Strand in horrible condition when I visited Burma in 1977. I had a drink with my Mom in the bar in 2002. I finally got to stay in 2012.

Wow, two sinks in the bathroom.

The lobby is understated and comfortable.

When it got cool enough, we took a walk. Much of downtown Yangon looks like this.

And like this.

Interior of the main Post Office.

Great old cast iron stairs in the main Post Office.

Afternoon tea at the strand. We had both a Burma style tea and and English style tea.

Always studying. This in our huge room at The Strand.

Yangon is expanding it's urban rail network. Here they are embedding dural gauge track into the pavement.

Selling treats near Bot Ta Htaung temple.

These bananas and other fruits and flowers are sold to be used as offerings at the temple.

 Bot Ta Htaung temple.

We had a couple of gin and tonics at the 50th Street Cafe.

Happy Hour at The Strand Bar

Happy Hour at The Strand Bar

Breakfast in the room. We had an early flight back to Bangkok.

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