Friday, May 18, 2012

Burma - May 2012 - Yangon

We took a short trip to Burma (Myanmar). We had an early flight so spent a night in Bangkok before flying to Yangon.

We had Mam's birthday dinner in Bangkok at Rotsabiang Restaurant. That's a celebratory gin and tonic.

Our hotel in Yangon was the Savoy, a colonial restoration. We had a lovely huge room and found the place to be friendly and cosy.

The interior is beautifully maintained and decorated.

Kipling Bar at The Savoy Hotel.

We had lunch at the nearby House of Memories, a restored colonial villa.

The Burmese dishes were delicious. We had some curries, which were closer to Indian than Thai.

Our first outing was to places in Northern Yangon. This Aung San Su Kyi's front gate. The photo is of her father, the Burmese hero, General Aung San.

This is the Kabar Aye Pagoda.

This Buddha relic is inside Kabar Aye.

This giant Buddha image is inside the Nga Htat Gyi Pagoda. The carved teak screen behind the Buddha image is fantastic.

This giant reclining Buddha is in Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda.

Another view.

This is the gift shop tent outside of the National League for Democracy (NLD) office. It was crawling with people anxious for souvenirs. The NLD logo is above the office.

Next, Shwe Dagon Pagoda and an interesting meal.

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