Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chinese New Year

For most Thai/Chinese families, Chinese New Year is a time to honor ancestors and make offerings to household deities. The offerings often consist of paper replicas of everyday items which are later burned to send them off to departed ancestors. Real food is also offered which is later consumed by the living descendants. This year the celebration was somewhat special because Mam's Mom recently passed away so this was the first time she was honored in this way.

Family shrine with food offerings.

Food offerings on the table with paper stuff on the floor.

Food offerings to Mam's Mom.

Food and paper offerings to grandparents.

Paper currency, gold bars, shoes, iPads, etc.

Incense for the shrine.


The Gai Yang (barbecued chicken) lady dropped by. She's a close neighbor.

Burning the paper stuff to send it to the great beyond.

Lots of food for the living.

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