Friday, August 5, 2011

Lam Takhong Bike Ride - August 4th 2011

After many days of afternoon rains we finally had a day clear enough for me to get out for an afternoon bike ride. This ride is pretty much due north of my home toward the Lam Takhong River. Click on a photo to view a larger version.

Entrance to Wat Hong
The wat above, Wat Hong, is about 1 kilometer (6/10 of a mile) north of my place.

Proud Farmers
These two have a beautiful flower and vegetable garden in addition to their rice fields.

Rice Fields

Rural Road
This is the view south toward an orchard full of coconut trees, betel nut trees, assorted citrus, pandanus and many others.

Rice Fields


Bathing Spot
Someone must bathe here regularly. The plastic tub fastened to the bamboo stake contains a fresh bar of soap.

Rice Fields

My Bicycle

Ready to plant rice

Flooded rice field

Irrigation Canal
Many rural roads in Thailand start out as access roads on the sides of irrigation canals. As they get used by ordinary people they are slowly improved, widened and eventually paved.

Lotus Pond
My guess is that these white lotus flowers are harvested for sale.
Lotus Pond

Rice Fields

Canal View Karaoke Bar

Help Wanted

  • Beautiful female singer
  • Waitress
  • Cook, cook's helper, cleaner

Home Pro Home Improvement Center

This place is only a few hundred meters from the very rural scenes pictured above.

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