Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wat Prang Torng - August 5, 2011

I decided to cycle to Wat Prang Torng to check out the 13th century Khmer prang. This wat is in Ban Putsa village, about 10K (6 miles) north of where I live.

Lam Takhong River - Middle Fork
Shrine to Ganesh at Vienna Resort

This guy spends his days sitting in the exact same spot on a bridge over the north fork of the Lam Takhong river. I think he has cerebral palsy or some similar condition as he is unable to speak or walk. I always give him a few coins and talk to him a bit when I ride by.

Lam Takhong River - North Fork


Bus Stop and Store

Local Bus

Prang Torng 

Lintel of Prang Torng
I think the lintel depicts the Hindu god Indra (Phra In) riding his three-headed elephant, Erawan (Airavata).

Prang Torng

More photos of Prang Torng here: Wat Prang Torng, Korat

Dried Spring Onions

Isaan (Northeast) Style Sausages
The sausages are hanging on the line below the row of advertising banners.

Nice Old Traditional Wooden House

Farm Truck
The engine can be removed and mounted to other devices such as a water pump or generator.

Party Spot
You can see the tent, chairs and stage in the background. This irrigation canal is being enlarged. Looks like a great place to swim.

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