Friday, November 11, 2011

Loy Krathong

Yesterday was Loy Krathong. Wikipedia has a pretty good explanation of the festival: Loy Krathong Wiki.

Late in the afternoon I road my bike to Wat Suan Prik Thai. They always have a nice Loy Krathong celebration. Also, the have a nice pond with a pier which makes it easy for people to float their Krathong. On the way home I bought some Com Loy (floating paper lanterns) and a krathong to float in our pond.

These decorated floats, called krathong, are for sale just outside the temple walls.

Some are very fancy. Most are made out of slices of banana stalk decorated with banana leaf and flowers. Sometimes coins or food offerings are added. Most have incense and at least one candle.

This seller got a spot inside the temple compound.

Lots of food for sale as well.

More than you can count.

This is the temple pond and pier. This young family is getting ready to float their krathong.

They light the candle and incense and say a short prayer.

Off they go!

This family released some fish and water snails into the pond. People make merit by buying fish and other wildlife and releasing them.

This lady is selling birds for later release.

Fish for sale for releasing into the pond.

Toys and food.

After I took this shot the monk flashed a huge smile.

Our krathong in our pond.

Floating in front of Ganesh.

Mam gets ready to release a floating paper lantern.

Off it goes into the sky. We watched this one for maybe ten minutes as it drifter off to the southwest.

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