Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today's Bike Ride

Crummy weather again so I've been hesitant about taking long ride. Today I road northwest of my home to enjoy the countryside. I very much like the fact that a few minutes on the bicycle brings me to places like this.

This pond is new to me. I think it might be used to drain water from the nearby new housing development.

This home is absolutely massive. It sits right on the edge of a pond and some rice fields.

Off in the distance you can see the wall and some homes of the Homeland 3 housing development. A very full irrigation canal is in the foreground.

Last year at this time this rice field was under a meter of water. The rice on the left is almost ready to harvest. The field on the right is ready for planting.

This wetland has been developed for agricultural purposes. Parallel canals have been dug and the earth used to build up growing area. Crops include coconut and betel palms, bananas, citrus and other fruits.

This road is adjacent to the wetland. This area regularly floods. Hence the precautionary sandbags.

Along side this house a woman and child are husking coconuts. A very tough job. The meat will be sold to make coconut milk.

The two baskets in front of the motorcycle have coconut meat ready for sale. 

This is Wat Hong. The standing Buddha image is relatively new.

1 comment:

  1. That looks really cool (except the flooding part). I got a folding bike last year, and did some travelling in Europe with it, but I've been thinking lately about going even further, maybe to Thailand or even to India. I will definitely have to look more into it now.
